Third place Synagogue Epe

Historic building becomes a modern meeting place

The synagogue in Epe: A new chapter begins

The synagogue in Epe, an important historical building, is about to undergo an exciting transformation into a lively meeting place for encounters and cultural diversity.
Thanks to the successful application to the “Dritte Orte – Häuser für Kultur und Begegnung im ländlichen Raum” (Third Places – Houses for Culture and Encounters in Rural Areas) funding program, the commissioned cultural office and the associations and institutions involved can actively involve the town’s citizens.
Together and in public discourse, a multifunctional space is being created that will primarily serve as a place for dialog and exchange that is accessible to all.

Design of the synagogue by Rasche Architekten

What happens now?

Help shape it!

Here you have the unique opportunity to contribute your own visions and ideas to the design of this new community space and develop joint concepts for the future.
Get actively involved and participate in the implementation!

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About the participants

Förderkreis Alte Synagoge e.V.:

The Förderkreis Alte-Synagoge-Epe e.V. plays a central role as the initiator and driving force behind the creation of the third location “Synagoge Epe”.
Originating from the Heimatverein Epe, the Förderkreis is committed to preserving the former synagogue and using it for cultural purposes in order to commemorate Jewish life and promote intercultural understanding.
In addition to preserving the building, educational and awareness-raising work, in particular researching and communicating Jewish history and organizing commemorative events, is one of the main tasks of the Förderkreis.

Gronau Community Foundation

The Gronau Community Foundation provides financial support for projects in the areas of education, culture, social affairs and sport and supports local initiatives.
Through its commitment, it improves the quality of life, especially for children and young people, through educational and integration projects.
The foundation has opened the Georgs Galerie in Epe, an art and culture venue that will potentially cooperate closely with the synagogue.
The physical proximity and the Jewish history of Georg’s Gallery are conducive to fruitful cooperation.

Georgs Galerie

Grenzenlos e.V.

With its socio-cultural center, the Café Grenzenlos in Gronau, the association Grenzenlos e.V. promotes integration and cultural exchange through events and offers a platform for people with a migration background in particular.
The association plans events that introduce the participants’ cultures of origin.
In the conception of the Third Place, Grenzenlos e.V. complements the synagogue’s offerings with its integrative and social activities, as well as its network and event portfolio, and recommends itself as an excellent partner.

Cultural Office Gronau GmbH

Kulturbüro Gronau GmbH is responsible for project coordination.
This is where the network activities come together and where the participation processes are organized and carried out.
The central function of the municipal cultural office is to develop the Epe synagogue as a house for culture and encounters and to support volunteers and citizens in shaping their third place.
The Kulturbüro Gronau GmbH supports this with its expertise as a cultural organizer and developer of educational and mediation projects in the context of cultural education.