Hiking - Experience Gronau actively

In Gronau (Westphalia) you have the possibility to explore the western Münsterland on foot – alone, in pairs or with friends in a group. In this way, fascinating natural areas open up, such as the numerous moorlands and heathlands: The Gildehauser Venn, the Rüenberger Wald and much more are waiting to be discovered.

The Gildehauser Venn Route

The 10.5 km route starts at the beautiful Dreiländersee lake and takes you through the 740 ha moor and heathland area. This is considered to be one of the most valuable wetlands in north-west Germany in terms of natural history and is criss-crossed by flat, elongated dune ridges. The damp moorland heaths are dominated by bell heather and are partly interspersed with reedbeds and bog lily stocks. The Venn is also an important habitat for meadow birds. On your route you will pass two lookout towers where you can observe species such as the red-backed shrike, lapwing, curlew and snipe.

The Three-Country Hiking Route

The 10.5 k route takes you through the three states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and the Netherlands. Your way leads you through the Gildehauser Venn and a beautiful juniper grove at the Franciscan monastery Bardel, where you can marvel at Galloway cattle, Dutch country goats or Bentheimer country sheep.

A special highlight of the route is the bird sanctuary “De Oelmars”. In a “Vogelkijkhus” you can observe the numerous birds here.

The Rüenberg Forest Route

Not far from the Dreiländersee is the Rüenberg forest. This is considered one of the most scenic nature reserves in the local area and impresses with its natural paths. The circular route leads along the old noble house of Rüenberg. Here two lovingly designed huts invite you to stay – dogs and humans are welcome here.

The Amtsvenn Route

The Amtsvenn route is up to 8.5 km long and leads through a cross-border moorland area of supra-regional importance for animals and plants. The route can be shortened along the way, and if you feel like it you can make a detour to a viewing tower.