Civic Hall

Dear guests and organizers,

the impact of Covid-19 presents us all with new challenges. Currently, no events are allowed to take place in the Civic Hall. Meetings and events are still subject to the respective valid ordinance of the state of NRW.

We would like to offer you also in Corona times the events which are possible according to the valid regulations of the authorities. Taking into account the current state of the ordinance, various concepts and seating options for events with a reduced number of participants are being developed and adapted.

Since your health and the safety of your event are our top priority, we ensure consistent adherence to protective and hygienic measures such as:

– Wearing a mouth-nose protection

– increased cleaning and disinfection intervals

– Observance of distance rules Notices and information signs

– Visitor guidance through adapted routing and ground markings

– Avoidance of personal close contacts

– continuous air exchange

– adjusted maximum capacities

– individual seating plans

The basic prerequisite for the implementation of an event is a hygiene concept to be drawn up by the organiser in which it is explained how the ordinance will be implemented at the respective event.

We are aware of the low level of planning certainty in these difficult times. Therefore, we are happy to advise and support you in the conception of your event under these very special conditions.

If we all stick to the rules together, hopefully we can soon welcome you again to events and culture in the Bürgerhalle Gronau.

We look forward to seeing you. Take good care of yourself and stay healthy!

Your team of the Bürgerhalle Gronau / Tel. 02562 7187-0

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