Michaelis-Market "Landgeschehen"

What does it actually mean to “live in the countryside”? What makes us as a village? Within the framework of the Michaelmas market under the motto “Landgeschehen” we will show this year on 23. and 24. September the life on the countryside new: With economy, but also a lot of voluntary commitment of associations. Look forward to the open Sunday with a great program in the Eper village center and a bike tour with various stops.
Many thanks to the Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus for sponsoring!

Bike tour with different stations

Gallery van Almsick open day

Georgs Galerie
September 24 is not only Michaelmas market in Epe, but also the open day of the gallery van Almsick.
On this day, there will be craft activities for the kids here in the new creative room. You can also visit the art garden and admire an art exhibition by Rudolf Bredow.

Saturdays in front of the Latüchte

On September 23 there will be dancing in front of the Latüchte from 9 pm. “The Evergreens” perform “With mischief and good humor”….

Flea market

Handmade market

Handicrafts, sewing, creative design: The main thing is handmade – that’s the motto at the HandMadeMarkt in downtown Eper.




Wo gibt es ärztliche Versorgung?

Besucher sollten in Notfällen sofort 112 anrufen!

Wo finde ich Toiletten?

Halte nach den WC-Beachflags Ausschau oder sprich uns vom Team an. Meistens ist ein WC in der Nähe der Bühne, zusätzlich zur netten Toilette.

Gibt es ein gedrucktes Programm?

Ja, dieses findet ihr hier zum Download oder bei uns in der Touristinfo Gronau.

Was passiert mit Fundsachen?

Habt ihr etwas verloren oder gefunden? Dann meldet euch bitte beim Fundbüro der Stadt Gronau.

More questions? Feel free to get in touch!