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City and animal park

Idyllically situated in the heart of our city is the extensive city park. It is the green lung of Gronau and in summer a meeting place for young and old.

Numerous park benches invite you to linger at the city park pond, generously laid out playgrounds act as magnets for the young guests. The zoo is also located here and is home to numerous animal species.

Stadtpark Gronau (c) Sven Rosowski
© Sven Rosowski

The zoo

The free zoo is located in the middle of our public city park. This zoo was established in Gronau about 70 years ago and was a gift from the industrialist family van Delden to the citizens of Gronau.

Mainly birds are presented here, including common ornamental birds such as budgies and rosebills, but also Textor weavers and golden pheasants along with ducks and geese. The animal population is supplemented by coatis, white storks, porcupines, fallow deer and capuchin monkeys. The monkeys inhabit a house with an outdoor enclosure that is unusually large for such a small zoo. Relatively new residents in the Gronau Zoo are the Bennet’s kangaroos. Did you know that this species of kangaroo can hop up to 30 km/h? No? Maybe you are lucky and can convince yourself!

© Hartmut Springer, Tiere füttern im Gronauer Stadtpark
© Hartmut Springer

You want to feed the animals?

No problem. In the Gronau Zoo there is a vending machine where animal food can be bought for 1 euro. The feeding of brought food is prohibited. Not every animal can tolerate every food! The playground, which is also located in the city park, or the numerous benches invite you to take a short break.

You're looking for a restaurant?

The park is in close proximity to downtown and shops. During the summer months, the kiosk in the adjacent outdoor park swimming pool is open. Food and drinks can be purchased here.

Tier- und Stadtpark Gronau (2)

You want to get interactive?

No problem. In the tourist information you can borrow a trolley as well as various XXL games such as Viking chess, boules, spikeball and more for a small deposit. So a beautiful day is guaranteed!

You are interested? Then feel free to contact us at

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Frequently asked questions - FAQ

Wo befindet sich die nächste öffentliche Toilette?

Die nächste öffentliche Toilette findet ihr neben der Touristinfo an der Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 45. Weitere öffentliche Toiletten findet ihr unter dem Menüpunkt "Nette Toilette".

Kann man Tiere im Stadtpark abgeben?

Der Tierpark nimmt aktuell keine Tiere wie Meerschweinchen oder Kaninchen auf, da es in der Vergangenheit öfter zu Krankheiten gekommen ist.

Kann man eine Tierpatenschaft für die Tiere im Park übernehmen?

Eine Tierpatenschaft ist für die Dauer von einem Jahr gegen eine Spende in selbstgewählter Höhe möglich. Weitere Infos erhaltet ihr auf